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Splash Damage Self-Publishing Dirty Bomb

Robag's picture

good news everyone
I just started playing again on the weekend.

Splash Damage will be self-publishing Dirty Bomb after acquiring the publishing rights to their free-to-play first-person shooter from Nexon. This video update has the news, though the link to still resolves to Nexon’s home for the game while they work on transitioning the game to Warchest, their own publishing division. Gamasutra transcribes the important details:
“Splash Damage is taking over Dirty Bomb. The ink is drying on a deal with Nexon that’ll give us full publishing control of the game. And this means everything. Marketing, servers, anti-cheat: the lot,” explained Splash Damage’s community manager.

“Initially you shouldn’t notice any difference, but there are a number of areas we want to improve. One of your most important issues is hackers, so we’re replacing the existing anti-cheat system with EasyAntiCheat. This is used by other huge online shooters to deal with cheaters, and will be going into the game next week.”

Continue here to read the full story.



chipper's picture

has to be good news

Haven’t looked at the game for a long time now, it must be years!

beavisbeaver's picture

meh. little too late imo

SD fell out with me at support lacking Brink. I did play Dirty Bomb on the closed alpha & closed beta for then for a little after that but the changes they made were constant and it was quite buggy i have not touched it for years. Good direction to go in being your own pub but unless its a new Quake Wars im out. I actually thought this game was out & had faded… I think Overwatch took over this type of game..?

chipper's picture


I skipped brink (don’t know why) and haven’t touched DB since the alpha and beta either. They kind of did the same thing with ETQW… testing went for so long that when it was released a lot of people were already over it.

Robag's picture

oh nos Brink

I bought a founders membership then they may it free to play
felt a bit jipped when they did it.
game is coming along nicely, but the pay to win makes for a lot of op players.


Somtin's picture


Yeah I think beavisbeaver is mostly right here – I hear Overwatch is pretty good.

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